Contact DataScout

38 W. Trenton, Suite 101, Fayetteville, AR 72701


Phone: (479) 521-5607 ext.933


Phone: (888) 565-4530 ext.3

Marion County, AR Address Request Form

All information provided is used to accurately assign a 911 address. This information will also be stored in the local 911 database for emergency response purposes.
Most address requests are finalized within 3 business days. If an address cannot be assigned based on the information provided, a site visit may be required which will delay the assignment process. To assure a timely and accurate 911 address, please fill in the information in this form as fully and accurately as possible.
An accurately located address is essential to assure emergency services can find this location in an emergency. An inaccurate location may also result in your structure being re-addressed and changed at a later date.

Contact information for the individual filling out this form and applying for a new address

Contact information for the owner of the structure being addressed if not the same as the applicant

Name of the owner of the land/parcel on which the structure sits if not the same as the structure owner

Name of the individual or business that will be the occupant at this address if known and if not the same as the structure owner

Why is a new address being requested at this time? E.g., New Construction, Changing use of existing structure to business or residence, etc.

Type of structure on the property.

The name of the signed road from which the property is accessed and will be addressed.

How far is the structure from the access road specified above? I.e., how long is the driveway?

Please provide as much detail as possible to help us locate the structure. The easier it is to find your location, the faster and more accurately we can provide an address. E.g., Distance from an intersection, obvious landmarks, neighboring addresses, etc.

Zoom into the map to find the location of the structure/road access for which you need an address. You can use your mouse and scroll wheel to pan and zoom the map if using your computer. If on a mobile device with location services enabled, you can click the "Locate Me!" button below which will pinpoint your current location on the map.
Once you have found your structure/road access location, click or tap on it and then click the "Update Structure Location To Here" button or the "Update Road Access Location To Here" button that appears on the map. A red or blue pin symbol will appear on the location. If the location is incorrect, you can can keep selecting a different location on the map through the same process.
You must select both locations before submitting your request. Please be as accurate as possible and add any extra notes in the "Location Description" textbox above.

Structure Location Not Set
Road Access Location Not Set
I'm not sure my location is correct, please contact me for further details